2 years back,we had a much talkd abt winter.They say bombay neva has winters.Ya.It was proved wrong.Bombay had a winter,the way it never had before.Guess,it was making a point.It sure was cold.The summers were too hot to handle.The rains dint bother playing its part.Thereafter,came a winter that wud hav been easily missed.It wasnt cold in the mornings and it never was cold in the nights.
The effect of global warmings were clearly seen.The atmosphere was screwed in and out.This year's summer was bad as well.It just wasnt a summer,you'd wanna step out to.The heat was too much,the humidity worse still.Thot the rains wud play havoc,but no,it dint.It came late,but its still here.But thats def/making the city keep its cool.
Yup.There are showers,just wen u need it.Its cold,wen ud want it to be.The nights are pleasant.Hope it stays,till the winter steps in to play its role.
The morning walks to the bus stop and the ride,atleast keeps ur mornings healthy and away from any sort ill feelings dat hovers around.
Another thing,the MUMBAI WALLS.Yes,the I-Day celebrations tuk a smart route.A wall stretching from mahim to matunga,was painted by artists and ppl alike.and its too cool.As a frend sed,no good thing lasts forver,hope these walls get some time before it gets its doze of piss and spitoon.
Hope it stays for a while.!!
Me havent seen it yet,though.So really hope it does stay.
did u realise ur nice Blog title has following words 'AND GOOD THING NEVER DIES!' .. nicely contradicting, isn't it? :)
well....dint realy,until u pointed it out..So ya,guess,it'd indeed stay :P :P
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