There's always an attribute attached to the the things that u do.There's alwez a right or a wrong way to do things.There's alwez an upside and a downside to the way u luk at things.There's alwez a gud and a bad choice.Everythin is binary.A 0 or a 1.
What drives u to these?Wots in for an indivdual wen he makes dis kinda choice.Wots in for a person wen he does a gud thing or makes a gud choice??...Wot does it take to stick to a bad thing and live with it.Having no qualms,no issues,no nothing with being bad and live happily eva after!!...
I guess,wot takes a person to be OK with his wrong doing can be
1)he doesnt realise,its bad.
2)dats exactly wot he wants to do and basks in its success.
The gud guy always makes it well.But then,he gotta take-off and move on,until he's got an adversary.But,d sad thing is,d gud aint actually able to win over the bad guys.He can end up havin a bettr life,better feeling but heck,wen it cums to a one on one face-off,he's lost it.
Wots also interesting is,its d bad that goes on silently with all its bad motives in place.And its d gud dat picks up the fight with the bad.The bad,wud sit back,study and hit back.The gud fights back,but even before it has started,they give up.They know,dis is not d place to be.Result:The Smirk ends up on the Bad guys'face. Happier,healthier,meaner and sicker!!.
The loser,wud live on a hope and an alwez unfulfilled oath that he will be back.But no!!Once out,it's a struggle.It's hard work.It's patience and experience that puts him at a place,wherein he's at peace.The lost out fight forgotten.The oath,invalid.
So??is it all worth it??.Well.not until u r affected.Fighting wen u r bein molested is one thing,but fighting only bcs u see d other person in an orgasm,is stupid.
Gud ppl hav cum and gone.Some did well,some close to doin well.The bad guys have stayed.They are damn well and doing pretty too!!..Their scores at an all time high.And ready for any one...Ready for anything good to get annhilated.
Mughal-e-azam in the age of Modern Love !
5 years ago