Friday, December 11, 2009

Winter Blues

They are here.And they are gud.Ya...i kno..d frst thing dat evryone goes like:"u got winter in b'bay?"..well..ok bro,it aint as cold as its at ur place,bt d fact dat its indeed cold,is winter fr me.
Mah first identification of winter being a season,where u cud sleep netime of d day.Its hard gettin up.For nethn.Work doesnt evven cum newer close!!..
Wots gettin even worse for me,is dat me gettin sick.Its bad to to get sick durin winters.Guess,d sickness hits a li'l more harder.That leaves me tending to d cold,jst cant chill!!..Sad..really sad.


ragsie said...

Just Take a Chill Pill!

Ravan said...

Its easy for me to sleep any season... and gettin up is equally difficult too...