Monday, October 5, 2009

General Knowledge

I dnt kno a lot of basic things.
I dnt like 'not knowing' the basic things.
I dnt like it more,wen i thought that i knew the basic things.
I dnt like it even more,wen i know that I knew very well the basic things sumtime back.
I dnt like it one bit,wen it doesn't strike me at the right time,the basicest of all the things.
I dnt like to kno that I aint smart anymore.
I dnt like it that I had to put it in a way,that it sounds as if I only used to be smart, sometime back.

It's one of those days when common sense and general knowledge stand in front of me,waiting to be recognized.

The list:Punctuation marks,figures of speech,different types of stones and their formations,layers of earth,metamorphism,plants life cycle,leaves' layers and functions,trigonometry,names of different planets in a single attempt,french revolution,boston tea party,indian history-mainly on mughals,tipu sultan and shivaji,star-delta voltages,making sambhar,calculating square root using pen and paper,...and der r obv more which aint striking me now!!....

And this is the boy who used to participate in quiz competitions in school..!!
Dont like that thought either.. :( :(


ragsie said...

That's what Specialization does to a Knowledgeable guy!!:)

Pritts said...

we have become mechanical robots earning a decent paycheck.. no racking our brains anymore...
d brains have become blunt...

Sandy said...

@rags: true.very true..I specialize in...well..nuthing!!

@pritts:decent paycheck?..well..i wudnt mind if dats upgraded to a goood one!! ;P

Pritts said...

Indeed... and high time :P

Ketan - said...

To know all the things which comes to the mind is a kind of wish which people try to fulfil it and then realize that still it is not fulfilled..

Ravan said...

Sandy, do u think one more thaing can be added to the list of "I DONT LIKE" - I dont like it that someone else comes and tells me stuff that i dont know!

Sandy said...

@ravan:U nailed it bro!!!