Monday, October 5, 2009

Now and Then

Them:Try it
Them:One sip.nuthin happens
Them:Kya tu bhi.Its cool.Try it once atleast
Me:No.Nothings gona change that.I dont want it.I aint gona have it.

Me:Glug glug glug glug glug..Buuurrrpp!!!

Thats me.One difference.I wud offer and ask only once to the person sitting across.That aint forcing or encouraging.Just observing table manners.And wotever the reply is:I respect it..

4 years!!..Thats all it tuk.. :) :)

General Knowledge

I dnt kno a lot of basic things.
I dnt like 'not knowing' the basic things.
I dnt like it more,wen i thought that i knew the basic things.
I dnt like it even more,wen i know that I knew very well the basic things sumtime back.
I dnt like it one bit,wen it doesn't strike me at the right time,the basicest of all the things.
I dnt like to kno that I aint smart anymore.
I dnt like it that I had to put it in a way,that it sounds as if I only used to be smart, sometime back.

It's one of those days when common sense and general knowledge stand in front of me,waiting to be recognized.

The list:Punctuation marks,figures of speech,different types of stones and their formations,layers of earth,metamorphism,plants life cycle,leaves' layers and functions,trigonometry,names of different planets in a single attempt,french revolution,boston tea party,indian history-mainly on mughals,tipu sultan and shivaji,star-delta voltages,making sambhar,calculating square root using pen and paper,...and der r obv more which aint striking me now!!....

And this is the boy who used to participate in quiz competitions in school..!!
Dont like that thought either.. :( :(

"Son ,........."

Thus,said he,quotin his father :" Son, .....".
We read a lot of celebrities crediting their successes or certain acts of theirs,that comply to the advice given by their dads.
Akshay Kumar says,"My father used to tell me, dat u dont conquer fear,sittin on a sofa"..Karan Johar said,"my father always used to tell me, to sort issues as they come".

I am sure that even mah dad has given me lots of worldly advices.Just that I dont remeber them,for me to quote'em..
I mean,why is that??It beats me!!.Why cant I recollect them?.Well,obv,not that he hasnt given me important ones,not that i havent followed them,there jst aint any reason why I dont remember!!..
I havent even grown that old to blame it on memory..
Is it because I haven't come across situations, that connects with those advices??Or is it that I refuse to acknowledge that my action or reactions to life's problems came from his ideas which I make it mine??

Are these guys,simply makin up the advices and crediting them to their dad's???

One of the many unasnwerable question,that I shoot myself with!!!..

Dear Editor to Hey All

Dear Editor,
"I wish to bring to your kind attention towards the overflowing dustbin near our society.Inspite of repeated complaints,the authorities refuse to budge.The stench becomes unbearable.And this adds on to the stray dogs rummaging thru it.It gets difficult,to walk past those roads during dark because of the dogs.
I wish, thru ur esteemed newspaper ,this lettter wakes up the authorites and they are prompted to act on this problem."

Ok.Now when was the last time u ever did this.Forget writing letters,when was the last time you ever bothered to read the 'Letter to the Editor' section of Your newspaper??.Forget reading,when was the last time you made a phone call to the authorities or beter still,visit them taking your problems.Forget your problems,when was the last time you ever felt doing a bit of socal service to the ppl by and large??When was the last time you ever did anything gud,until the problem became solely yours,where you took their case.

Tuff one.Now why wud u do dat?.When you can simply blog.When your tweets and tags gona help you ease of your cribs and rants and problems.Atleast you got a hearing.Even if that means, the problem remaining exactly where it was.
We see a new trend here.It aint nice.Your readers might sympathise,advice:now if you do that for information,then its cool,bt otherwise,it just acts as a venting and nothing more than that.
Its even frustrating when the print media does it.As in they have freelance writers,visiting writers,publish online blogs of prominent ppl or their readers.They make the issues known to all.But yes,there is a possibility if the authorities acting on it.But the chances becomes less,when they put it in a space which is more of a hilarious section,which only a sector of readers read.
Now,we had a journo complianing about the police inaction for burstin firecrackers on the road.Well.things dint go pretty well and her finishing line was "is the Mumbai Police listening"..Now if a common man pleads,its understood.,but when a journalist does dat,its not nice.I kno..She doesnt really hav to take the onus and get things done.But then,cmon,she got a space for herself in a newspaper, not to talk abt the anazing contacts she'd have.
Same goes for the outcries that we saw for the "apologies collector" ,wanting a sorry for bombay!!..It was a good read,but then all the satire on it was on blogs and articles.Wonder they read it too.Guess,they do.

Anyways,wot cud be dun.??You can do wotver you wanna,as long as you dnt offend the THACKERAYS,RANE'S,SHINDE'S and a lot more.

Guess,bloggin jst mite be one of them.As long sumone doesnt get offended..