Always used to get turned off wen it came to workin on xcel sheets nd ppt's.
Xcel sheets seems to b a really powerful tool.its so powerful,dt we r askd to use it so often.I am a bit xcel literate,bt nt enuff to use it to its max.Powerpoint as well.a thing dat can be spoken of,needs to be on dat shit fr mah ppl @ work.and d shit dt can be simply written or documented,needs to b on the spreadsheet.a real mood swinger fr me.
Me been preparin d ppts nd presentin dem for mah class dese days.Shud be modest to accept d fact, dat dey r, indeed of great academic nd personal importance.The topics,dat we r askd to do r gr8 stuff.The quality expected outta us is extraordinary as well.It feels gud to see hw ppl actually do it so well.The time nd d enthu put in is commendable.
I am actually sick and tired of mah post presntation blues.Not dat i aint get d time,bt still,its not cool of me to finish it, jst fr d heck of it.The work begins in a week's time b4 its due.An even more crapier report to compliment it with.This is bein done again nd again.Wonder hw ppl take time off.All of'em work,probb wit deferred responsibilites.Prob,sum get greater access to data,sum go beyond everythin to get dem.Bottom-line:PPL WORK.PPL WORK HARD.PPL TAKE DIS BIZ VERY SERIOSLY AND PPL DO'EM WELL.!!..
nd me?i choose to appreciate nd blog abt it. Bloody Loser!!!
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3 years ago
1 comment:
I felt the same way abt studying in engg.
U gotta really like it... else ur gonna continue doin it like sumthing needs to be done, not sumthin that YOU WANT TO DO!
Its just normal... u cant win everywhere... u win in just one situation, everywhere else ur a loser... if it makes u feel any better :P
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